Peritoma arborea

 Peritoma arborea (bladderpod, stinkweed) (hediondilla, ejotillo)


  • Los kumiai se comen la flor del ejotillo como una verdura cocida. Los recolectores cortan las cabezas de las flores con el pulgar y el índice, evitando cortar las hojas que dan un sabor amargo. Las flores y los botones deben hervirse durante muchas horas. "Etnobotánica kumiai, Michael Wilken-Robertson."

  • Bladderpod is an erect, highly branched shrub up to 6 feet in height with distinctive evergreen leaves having three equal-sized leaflets and a pungent and somewhat unpleasant smell. The compounds producing these smells are mustard oils which are characteristic of the caper family. The name bladderpod comes from the inflated capsules 1-2 inches in length, which surround the developing seeds. The distributions pattern of bladderpod is unusual as it is common in sage scrub communities along the coast of southern California and shows up again in creosote bush scrub and Joshua tree woodland in the western portion of the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. "California Desert Plants, Philip W Rundel, Robert J Gustafson, Michael E Kauffmann."


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