Ambrosia dumosa

 Ambrosia dumosa (bursage) ( )


  • Next to creosote bush, it's the most abundant desert shrub species across both of our desert regions. Bursage is a low, compact shrub up to 2 feet in height, with white downy branches and pubescent leaves pinnately divided twice, or even three times, into short, rounded lobes. Although separate male and female flowers occur in the same plant, they are are arrayed in separate discoid heads. The female heads consist of only a single flower that matures to form a spiny bur that is easily caught in animal fur and dispersed. 
  • Research has suggested that bursage roots produce a chemical that causes individual plants to space themselves to reduce competition for water resources. "California Desert Plants, Philip W Rundel, Robert J Gustafson, Michael E Kauffmann."


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