Boerhavia triquetra

 Boerhavia triquetra (slender spiderling) ( )


  • A family of C₄ annuals is the four-o'clock family. Although most genera of the Nyctaginaceae use typical C₃ photosynthetic systems, there are two desert genera with C₄ metabolism. The more common group is the spiderlings, with five desert species. All regional spiderling species have tiny. pale pink to white bell-shaped flowers no more than 1/8 inch in length, which may be present from September to December.
  • Slender spiderling is the most common species. It is an erect annual, up to 2 feet in height, with sticky areas along the slender stems between nodes. It is found widely and abundantly in creosote bush and Joshua tree woodlands of the southern Mojave and Sonoran deserts. "California Desert Plants, Philip W Rundel, Robert J Gustafson, Michael E Kauffmann."


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