Asclepias subulata

 Asclepias subulata (rush milkweed) ( )


  • The milky sap of the tissues of milkweed contains toxic compounds called cardiac glycosides. Monarch butterflies that feed on these tissues sequester these toxins in their bodies, making them unpalatable to birds. In addition to milky sap, a feature of milkweed is the large pods, usually several inches in length, that split open when mature and release large numbers of wind-dispersed seeds with hairy plumes.
  • Rush milkweed is a tall perennial, reaching up to 3 feet in height. Its common name comes from upright stems tat are leafless for most of the year. It occurs in dry washes at low elevations in the eastern Mojave and Sonoran desert.  "California Desert Plants, Philip J Rundel, Robert W Gustafson, Michael E Kauffmann."


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