Sphaeralcea ambigua

 Sphaeralcea ambigua (desert, globe mallow apricot mallow) ( )


  • Apricot mallow is a perennial subshrub widely distributed on sandy flats and bajadas slopes in creosote bush scrub and Joshua tree woodlands of both of our desert regions. Like other mallows, apricot mallow has characteristic broad, three-lobed leaves with scalloped margins and wand-like clusters of showy orange-red flowers. The flower structure is typical of the hibiscus family with multiple stamens fused into a tube surrounding the stigma. The foliage and stems are densely covered by cream-colored star-shaped (stellate) hairs. Although only woody at its base, apricot mallow can reach anywhere from 1-4 feet in height. It is widespread in cultivation. "California Desert Plants, Philip W Rundel, Robert J Gustafson, Michael E Kauffmann."


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