Psorothamnus emoryi

 Psorothamnus emoryi (Emory indigo bush) ( )


  • Is a legume shrub with a Sonoran Desert distribution. Has leaves and stems that are whitish due to a thick matt of hairs that cover their surface. It favors desert flats, sandy washes, and dunes in creosote bush scrub at lower elevations of the Sonoran Desert and into the southern Mojave Desert. It generally forms a broad shrub no more than 3 feet in height but twice as wide with purple flowers dotted with white.  In addition to the scent present in all of the species of indigo bush, the foliage of Emory indigo bush will stain one’s hand a saffron color. “California Desert Plants, Philip W Rundel, Robert J Gustaffson, Michael E Kauffmann.”


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