Lycium andersonii

 Lycium andersonii (Anderson boxthorn) ( )


  • It is the most widespread and commonly encountered species of boxthorn, which occurs widely across our desert areas on gravelly or rocky slopes flats and slopes,  with habitats ranging from creosote bush scrub up into pinyon-juniper woodlands. It is also found in scattered locations in the arid areas of the southern San Joaquin Valley and desert slopes in the Transverse Ranges and extends eastward in the Great Basin. Anderson boxthorn is commonly 3-5 feet in height but can reach as tall as 8 feet.. It has small fleshy leaves usually less than 1/2 inch in length that are hairless, and thus generally pale greenish in color. "California Desert Plants, Philip W Rundel, Robert J Gustafson, Michael E Kauffmann."


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