Atriplex polycarpa

Atriplex polycarpa (allscale, cattle spinach) ( )


  • Allscale is widespread throughout the California desert regions in mildly alkaline flats and playa depressions, often forming the outer-ring of saltbush scrub stands around playas. Unlike the more cold-tolerant shadscale, it does not occur at elevations above 5,000 feet. Alllscale is a good-sized shrub, often reaching 4-6 feet in height, with small and narrowly oblong leaves with a short petiole. Because of its palatability to cattle, it is sometimes called cattle spinach. Although often present in mixed Atriplex stands, allscale may also be found in relatively pure stands. An interesting characteristic of allscale is it has been shown to change from male to female or back in a given flowering year depending on resource availability.  "California Desert Plants, Philip W Rundel, Robert J Gustafson, Michael E Kauffmann."


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