Malvella leprosa

 Malvella leprosa (Alkali mallow)

family Malvaceae

  • A dicot, is a perennial herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in North America and beyond.(1)
  • Bloom from April to October (2)
  • Malvella leprosa is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family known by the common names alkali mallow and alkali sida(3)
  • On roadsides and in fields, often in saline soils;; 50-1500 m (100-5000 ft); flowering throughout the year, or at least in summer months more northerly. Ecology: Found in heavy, saline soils on roadsides or mud flats from 4,500-5,500 ft (1372-1676 m); flowers throughout year. Notes: The stellate puberulence on the backs of the petals is a striking character. Ethnobotany: Used for dysentery, diarrhea, and inflammation of the bowels.  Etymology: Malvella is a diminutive of Malva meaning little malva, while leprosa means scurfy or spotted like a leper. (4)
  • The larvae of the Painted Lady butterfly, Vanessa cardui, feed on mallow, lupine, thistle and nettle plants. Toxic to sheep, perhaps other livestock. (5)
  • It is native to much of the western United StatesMexicoArgentina, and Chile. It is known in parts of Australia as an introduced species. In many regions, whether native there or not, the plant is often a noxious weed and easily invades habitat, including areas with alkaline and saline soils. In California, the plant can be found in agricultural lands, including fields and orchards.(6)


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